Calvert County Heritage Tour Video Series

We invite you to watch this intriguing 16-part history of Calvert County, specifically Perigeaux’s neighbors along Mackall Road in Southern Maryland.

Heritage Tour: Mackall Road Route Part 1: Opening

Mary Jo Powell and Nick Alexander provide an overview of Calvert County history. This introduction runs about 20 minutes—as long as it takes to drive from Prince Frederick or from Solomons to the turn onto Parran Road.

Heritage Tour: Mackall Road Route Part 2: The Markers At Parran Road

When you make the turn onto Parran Road, look for the historic markers on your right. This is the first stop. Marcia Monnett narrates and Perry Bowen, Jr., a retired judge, farmer and local historian tells about the original grant of land to his family.

Heritage Tour: Mackall Road Route Part 3: The Headwaters Of St. Leonard Creek

Just past the historic roadside markers, is a small bridge—the next section of the tours—over the headwaters of St. Leonard Creek. Marcia Monnet narrates some of the history that includes the War of 1812

Heritage Tour: Mackall Road Route Part 4: The Sign At St. Leonard Shores

A few yards past the bridge is a sign on the left. Willis Davis narrates the replacement of a historical landscape with a modern one. Earl “Buddy” Hance reflects on development.

Heritage Tour: Mackall Road Route Part 5: The Barns On Parran Road

1.2 miles beyond the first sign for St. Leonard Shores are tobacco barns on the left side of the road. They have been restored since the video was shot in 2011. Marcia Monnett and Willis Davis tell about barns and tobacco. Earl “Buddy” Hance, David Conrad, and Cassandra Parran Briscoe share personal knowledge.

Heritage Tour: Mackall Road Route Part 6: Mackall Road

Willis Davis narrates the ride south on Mackall Road. Helen Gray reminisces about attending a one-room school. Wilson Parran shares his personal experience and reflections on tenant farming and sharecropping. Helen Gray and Daniel Brown add from their store of memories.

Heritage Tour: Mackall Road Route Part 7: Mackall’s Wharf

If you are driving this tour, pull over at the school bus turnaround, about 1000′ before the end of the road. You can see the creek from there as you listen to Marcia Monnett narrate the story of the lively waterfront history. Helen Gray and Daniel Brown contribute their memories.

Heritage Tour: Mackall Road Route Part 8: Mackalls Wharf to JPPM

Willis Davis narrates the history of the communities that were on this part of the road. Earl “Buddy” Hance talks about the economy of working the land and water.

Heritage Tour: Mackall Road Route Part 9: JPPM

Kim Popetz and Patricia Samford narrate the histories of Jefferson Patterson Park & Museum property from earliest known occupations to the more recent past.

Heritage Tour: Mackall Road Route Part 10: The Barn With Windows

A restored tobacco barn is on your right as you drive north along the exit road. Stop and hear Marcia Monnett talk about the barn. Judge Perry Bowen talks about cutting and hanging tobacco. David Conrad discusses the science of tobacco drying.

Heritage Tour: Mackall Road Route Part 11: The Gross House

Back on Mackall Road, less than a quarter mile north of JPPM, is the Alfred Gross House. Willis Davis narrates the importance of this modest house in the context of Southern Maryland history.

Heritage Tour: Mackall Road Route Part 12: The Chimney At The Turner Farm

Willis Davis tells a little about the Turner Farm and a connection to the Gross family.

Heritage Tour: Mackall Road Route Part 13: The Developments On Mackall Road

The drive north on Mackall Road past Parran Road passes through a brief stretch of dense development. Marcia Monnett describes it.

Heritage Tour: Mackall Road Route Part 14: Brooks and Waters Churches

There is a pull-out next to the cemeteries between Brooks United Methodist and Waters United Methodist Churches. While you are stopped here, listen to Willis Davis tell about the rise of Methodism in Calvert County and the connection between these two churches

Heritage Tour: Mackall Road Route Part 15: Christ Church

Park in the Christ Church parking lot and hear Willis Davis talk about the church, about the one-room school, and finally about local agriculture in the present day.

Heritage Tour: Mackall Road Route Part 16: The Tobacco Buyout

Marcia Monnett narrates this section about the demise of tobacco, and the Tobacco Buyout that hastened the changes in agricultural landscape in Southern Maryland. Earl “Buddy” Hance speaks about his own experience with changes in labor and tobacco production.